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Had stopped 3d stuff for almost 3-4 months before resuming in late Oct 04.  Been very busy in work and family life. 


Did it in Oct - Nov 04.  Planning a short animation for it.

Mapping of the head

Trying out at mapping of the head.


Remember the WIP woman.  Add a head (not modelled by me) and some simple clothings.  Also experimenting with cloth.  Look very manly and fierce though.


I actually did this model way back in Apr - May 04.  Added some improvement to it.

Bicycle - 3d-total speed challenge

Did this for the 3d-total speed challenge.  Managed to do it under an hour using primitives like cylinders and boxes.  Rendering took a long time, though.


Always want to model the M16.  Finally did it! Yipee!


Did this for fun.  (1 Apr 05)