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Euro 2004 Short Animation

euro 2004 short animation (Jul 04 to Oct 04)

I did a short animation on euro 2004 when the event started last year.  The animation was about people from the other side of the gobal waking up in the middle of the night in order to watch 'live' telecast of the matches.  It also showed a rich outpour of emotions when watching the match.

This was my very first attempt at character animation.  It failed all rules of character animation and was done quite crudely and poorly.  Nevertheless it was quite an awesome learning experience for me.

I have decided to do a second version of it, hoping that it would be much better.  Currently, I am refining the modelling. I will also redo the storyboard.

  The Character, Mr Boo



  Dismay at missed goal



  On the TV