My 3D Evolution | 3D Stills - Alpha | 3D Stills - Beta | 3D Stills - Charles | WIP - A Female Body | Recent Works | Euro 2004 Short Animation Snapshots | WIP - LIon Head for Lion Dance | WIP - Soccer | Photography | Photos of my Son | Contact Me | Guest Book
3D evolution

Welcome to My 3d evolution Home Page

This site features some of my recent works on 3d still, animations and photography.

About me

I am an ordinary Singaporean male who is like every male - gone through NS, working very hard, living in HDB flat etc etc.  I am a 3D newbie (newbie in term of skill).  I only started to learn 3d modelling in Year 2003.  Since then, I never look back (probably got stiff neck as a result of looking at monitor for too long). 

The things that I have modelled so far are very simple and to an extent, not very accurate.  But I am learning and hoping to model something that I truly felt good about it.  :)

I called this site 3D Evolution because to me, 3d modelling is a form of evolution.  It usually begins with a box or cylinder or spline to something that you want to model like a car, apple or human face.  It is evoluting right in front of you!

My self portrait -  I did this last year.  It sure doesn't look like me.  I should be more handsome than him. :p

My skills :

(1) Adobe Premiere  -  ****

(2) Abode Photoshop - ***

(3) Max  -  **

(4) Flash - **

(5) Drawing - *

Legend :

**** : Quite Good

*** : OK

** : Learning and improving

* : Currently learning                                                       

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3d evolution poster